Near Odessa teenagers tied to a pole a child with a disability

Juvenile offenders filmed the incident on video and posted on the Internet


In the Artsizsky region of Odessa region brought to justice, parents of two teenagers, tied to a pole of a disabled child and posted this video in the Internet.

About it reported in Department of communications Department of National police in the Odessa region.

At the end of January in Artsyz the police Department has asked a resident of the district center (city of Artsyz), a statement about how her 14-year-old son was bullied peers.

During the inspection the police found that described in the statement of the events took place in the summer. A guy and a girl tied the applicant’s son duct-taped to a pole, taped his mouth and hands. Their actions are shot on video which was later posted on the Internet.

According to them, the victim allegedly agreed to deal with him this way, but the petitioner said that her son has health problems, so is not fully aware of and evaluated the actions.

Police allege that teenagers are given a lecture about the unacceptability of such behavior. Their parents were brought to administrative responsibility under part 1 of article 184 (non-performance by parents or persons, them replacing, duties on education of children) of the Code of Ukraine on administrative offences.

Remind, in Lviv, the “Window of life” left the baby.