Navalny decided to sue Putin

The government does not allow opposition to organize rallies
Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny has announced its intention to sue the President of Russia Vladimir Putin and his administration. About this he wrote on his website.
The reason for filing the claim Navalny has called the rejection of the coordination of meetings with supporters in many cities of Russia.
“The administration of the 40-50 largest cities of Russia weekly and directly violate the law… we (and me personally) there is no doubt that the activities of this koordiniruyutsya from Moscow. Well, can’t the officials in all the cities to act is equally illegal without special instructions. And there is no doubt that the order was given personally by President Putin due to the fact that he is simply afraid of our election campaign,” – wrote Bulk.
He also added that the meetings with voters now will be in a different format. They planned to carry out in private areas and private areas.