Basil Chemeris (photos

A suspect in the murder of an employee of the Odessa prison in August last year said in court that he was allegedly forced to do it to offset from the position of head of the institution. It is reported by the Duma.

According to a report today Malinovsky court of Odessa has considered the question of extension of a measure of restraint for the suspect in the murder of Basil Chemerisy, which at the time of the crime was kept in the jail.

During the meeting, Chemeris stated that a jail officer, whose name he has not yet named, along with one of the prisoners allegedly threatened him and his family, forcing him to commit murder.

According to the suspect, instructions to commit murder he was given over the phone.

Chemeris, told the court that the masterminds of the crime allegedly was intended to displace the current head of the detention center. That is why he was allowed to live off-camera, says suspect.

The court decided to extend his detention for another 60 days – until may 12.

Consideration of the merits will begin on April 25.

August 17, around 19:00, the police received the message that in Odessa prison employee has disappeared. After several hours of search her dismembered body was discovered in a dumpster on-site detention facility.

The prisoner, murder suspect, lived in the utility room and in his cell was not more than a month, while he had illegal access to piercing and cutting items.

Prison chief was dismissed from his post.

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