Most of the problems with access to medicine among Africans, – who

About 800 million people spend on the services of physicians at least 10 % of the family income


At least half of the planet’s inhabitants lack access to basic medical services.

This is stated in the report of the world health organization (who)referenced by the world’s media.

About 800 million people spend on the services of physicians at least 10 % of the family income. With approximately 100 million people on life remains less than $1.9 in the day.

Most of the problems with access to basic health care services – the residents of the countries of Africa (South of Sahara) and South Asia.

The who added that inequality in health is observed both between countries and within countries: national averages can mask a low level of health coverage to disadvantaged populations.

Recall that UN is concerned about huge concentrations of antibiotics in nature.