Mobile application development  is the process by which applications are developed for small portable devices, such as PDAs, smart phones, or phones. These programs can be installed on the device during the production process, downloaded by the user through various distribution platforms, or be web applications that are processed on the client (JavaScript) or server side.

Application developers in the world 

There are many developers all over the world. This is a fast growing billion-dollar market.


Android, iOS, BlackBerry, Open webOS, Symbian OS, Bada from Samsung, and Windows Mobile support standard application binaries like on personal computers with code, executes on a processor of a certain format (mainly ARM architecture is used). Windows Mobile can be compiled for x86 for debugging on a PC without processor emulation, and also support the Portable Executable (PE) format associated with the .NET Framework. Windows Mobile, Android, HP webOS and provide free iOS SDK and integrated development environments for developers.

Development Platforms

Each of the mobile application platforms has an integrated development environment that provides tools that allow the developer to program, test, and implement programs on the target platform. The table contains information about the development of applications for each environment.

Application Testing 

List of mobile application testing tools:

  • emulators
  • Cloud device platforms
  • Automated playback of script tests
  • Stress Testing
  • Mankitesting
  • statistics collectors