KIEV. March 29. UNN. System aircraft Boeing on Wednesday had been hacked with the use of a virus WannaCry. It is reported by UNN with reference to the newspaper The Seattle Times.

“He (virus — Ed.) if metastases, is rapidly spreading beyond the enterprise in North Charleston. I just heard may have stalled the conveyor Assembly of the nodes of the 777,” warned the chief engineer of the Department of commercial aircraft from Boeing. He did not rule out that WannaCry can get to the software side of computers assembled aircraft.

See ALSO: White house accused Russia of organizing a cyber attack using a virus Petya

Boeing later said that initial concerns were overstated. “The number of reports of disorders associated with the malware are exaggerated and are not accurate. Our operations center of cybersecurity has found a limited-scale invasion of malware that affected an insignificant number of our systems,” said the Corporation in his Twitter.

Virus-cryptographer WannaCry attacked computers with Windows operating system in 74 countries on 12 may 2017 block the computers and required the transfer of money for the restoration of the access. Worldwide has made 45 thousand cyber attacks using WannaCry, with the greatest number of attacks were recorded in Russia.

See ALSO: Britain has accused Russia of cyber attack using a virus Petya

We will remind, the President of company Microsoft brad Smith said that the North Korean government is responsible for creating a computer virus WannaCry, who attacked a worldwide network in early 2017.