Lutsenko: Giant bribe the detective to NAB proposed Odessa smuggler

Businessman Alperin wanted to agree about removal of arrest from UAH 450 million in the accounts of its controlled companies
A bribe of 800 thousand dollars to the head of the main division detectives NAB proposed Odessa smuggler Alperin. This was reported in Facebook, the General Prosecutor Yuriy Lutsenko.
“In early November, according to the statement of NABU on the offer of a bribe to the head of the main division detectives NABOO of the gpou has registered a trade, in which fixed offer the famous Odessa smuggler alperina to pay 800 thousand dollars for the removal of arrest on account of its controlled companies 450 million hryvnia,” – he writes.
Press Secretary of the Prosecutor General of Larisa Sargan Facebook announced the details of the case.
On 4 November to the Department for investigation of particularly important cases in the sphere of economy of the GPU informed about the proposal of a prominent businessman-smuggler bribes to an employee of the NAB. November 7-8, was documented proposals to the head of one of the units of the NABU 800 thousand dollars of a bribe.
24 Nov businessman-smuggler reported about suspicion. Now conducted searches at the place of registration and possible whereabouts of the suspect with the aim of delivery to it of the petition for election measures of restraint in form of detention, as the latter avoids the investigation.
“In the case of the establishment of the whereabouts of the suspect and failure to appear to the investigator of the General Prosecutor’s office will announce the latest in state and international wanted list,” said Gar.
She reported that the pre-actions of the suspect are qualified under part 3 of article 369 of the criminal code. The sanction of article provides imprisonment for the term from 4 till 8 years with confiscation of property or without it.
Recall that in the NAB said that his detective was offered $800 thousand for the termination of the investigation.