That came to Lugansk, “the Russian world” it is foolish to wait for the promise in 2014 of prosperity, believed even the most ardent supporters of friendship with Russia. But none of them even thought that “ru***s the world” will be able to bring the once livable city to such a decline, informs Диалог.UA.
Footage of Lugansk, which it was six years after the treacherous “referendum” in his livejournal published blogger Maxim Mirovich. He said that the pictures made recently by people who once visited the regional center on the now occupied Donbas.
In the notes to the photos the blogger writes that, looking at what is depicted in these pictures, I recall the city of Pripyat, where life came to a standstill in April 1986. However, in Lugansk, she froze in 2014, but that does not help.
In 2014, the adherents of the “ru***wow the world,” she asserted that “Putin needs the Donbas industrial region.” But after six years it became more than clear that no recovery of industry of the Russian curators “LC” and not thinking. In effect as of the 2014 Luhansk enterprises waste away and dwindle. And the industrial site, previously used, generally in ruins.
Published blogger and photos taken during the building of the city children’s hospital in the Zhovtnevy district of Lugansk, closed before 2014. The authorities had intended to use the building for other medical institution. But the occupying “authority” of Luhansk and the occupying “authorities”, “LC” building, which six years ago was fit for use, was not necessary. Now it is in this state that is fit only for demolition.
“Probably the most terrible impression of the whole photo produces Luhansk hospital number five in the quarter Friendship. Until 2014 it was used to treat people, but after the “victory LC” hospital was closed, and for several years, the building stands empty and looted local gradually”, – the blogger writes.
“The hospital and its surroundings reminiscent of the city of Pripyat, abandoned in 1986. Here you can really shoot a post-Apocalypse Chernobyl — the project of the Lugansk hospital is a replica of Pripyat MSCH-126. Even the doors are identical”, – adds the great.
“When-when “f*****coy Ukraine,” the hospital was a thriving enterprise, even were the private offices of physicians. In the “liberated LPR” in Luhansk from the broken doors of the rooms smells like pee and underfoot heard the crunch of broken glass. War is peace, freedom is slavery, ignorance is strength,” continues the blogger.
As they say, another sad song – urban public transport. The blogger writes that a Luhansk bus, most likely, not only not repaired in 2014, but still there for six years, was carried out cleaning of the salons. Such “sheds on wheels” carry people. And the alternatives in the occupied city.
In an equally neglected state, and city utilities. Overflowing garbage bins and piles of garbage lying on the ground beside them – a common phenomenon for the “capital” of the “people’s Republic”.
Mirovich notes that in comparison with the last year in Lugansk nothing has changed – the same devastation and mud.
Piles of garbage in yards, on sidewalks, at bus stops. And if the utility somehow tweaking the center of the city, the residents of the neighborhoods and the private sector can only dream of.
The blogger adds that no one is surprised removed the machines wheels.
“And standing near the houses, the cars with Ukrainian numbers pour paint and they cut tires — some residents of Lugansk seriously believe that what is happening around f**e to blame Ukraine. The question of why exempt from the PU***ing invaders Slavyansk is a normal peaceful life throws these guys into an existential stupor”,- says the blogger.
The present Luhansk is possible to say that the miraculous film in the genre of postapokaliptiki.
And all this “beauty” – the work of human hands. The hands of the adherents of the “ru***wow the world,” hoping for a heaven on earth, and received the only thing that can give “p***cue the world” – the decline and devastation.
“Dying city Lugansk — a great example of what happens to cities and countries who come to “liberate” it is not clear who and understand from what.
The way the city was before the war, Luhansk will never be the city on the path of becoming another Pripyat…
Such things”, – summed up your photos from Lugansk Maxim Mirovich.
We previously wrote that the occupiers decided to give the Lugansk another name that will be used along with the current name of “capital” “LC”. In this regard, the journalist Vitaly Portnikov reminded, by whom it was Kliment Voroshilov, whose militants elevated to the rank of “national hero”.
In addition, the Network was amazed at the staff, the residents of Lugansk are lining up for salaries to ATMs, which in the beginning of the occupation terrorists of “LNR” are “squeezed” in Ukrainian banks.
It also became known that in Lugansk talking about reconciliation with Ukraine. A lot of Luhansk believe “militia” characters, and the Ukrainian army – “the Punisher”. But there are the residents of Lugansk, who is on a peaceful resolution of the conflict.