elena.hramova / DepositPhotos
Lego because of the protests in the United States refused advertising designers with the police and detainees
elena.hramova / DepositPhotos
The Lego company in connection with the unrest in the United States because of the death of an African-American George Floyd refused advertising and promotion in social networks of designers, reproducing police stations and containing figures of the police, according to trade publication Toybook with reference to the press service of the company and the email marketers.
The Lego Group has urged its partners to stop the promotion of more than 30 sets, figurines and other accessories. Among them are figurines of police officers, firefighters, criminals, police dogs, sets of objects for detention of criminals, designers, police stations and fire stations, patrol cars, fire aircraft, as well as an adult version of Lego Creator – designer of the White house.
Restrictions on the sale of such sets no, we are talking only about advertising. So Lego after other brands and celebrities have decided to support the black community in the struggle against racism and inequality. The company also will donate $ 4 million to organizations that support black children and students with disabilities and racial equality.
Major us retailer Walmart in turn removed some of its stores firearms and ammunition amid protests.
July 2 in the United States was declared “Black Tuesday” (Blackout Tuesday): the day Internet users have posted photos instead of black caps and hashtags against racism and violence, in particular, #BlackLivesMatter (“black Lives matter”). The action was supported by Nike, Reebok, Prada, Armani, L’oreal, Estée Lauder and many others. Twitter changed the color of the cover of the official account and logo-bird in black.