KIA has revealed how much of the budget funds spending by political parties on advertising

The public organization has developed amendments to the legislation, which prohibits parties to place advertisements for the budget
Parliamentary political parties spent part of the funds received from the state budget to pay for advertising materials.
This is evidenced by the results of the research of the public Association “Committee of voters of Ukraine“, entitled “Anniversary of the state funding that political parties have spent half a billion hryvnia,” which was performed in the framework of the project “Literally”.
In particular, during the year state financing (from September 2016 to September 2017) the party collectively has spent nearly 0.5 billion UAH 436 million, of which 407 million UAH to the state budget funds. Most funds, 109 million, the party spent on advertising in media (TV, radio, print media, billboards). Was spent on advertising more than on wages and rent combined.
For salaries of the party spent 57 million UAH (13%), for rental of premises – 46 million (11%). For material costs and services (purchase of stationery, etc.) was sent to 66 million UAH. or 15% of the funds.
Local organizations of the party spent 16% of the funds – UAH 68 million.
The largest share of funds is spent, the Radical party of Oleh Liashko, “Samopomich”, “Opposition bloc” and “people’s front”. So, RPL is spent on advertising, 41% of money (19 of 47 million UAH), “Samopomich” – 38% (39 of 104 million UAH), “Opposition bloc” – 33% (5 out of 15 million UAH), “popular front” – 30% (33 of 109 million gon).
In the “Fatherland” and “BPP “Solidarity”, the share of costs is relatively low, ranging from 0.2% to 5%.
“The four political forces spend public funds not on party development, and self-praise. Instead of having to develop local branches, training of party members and work with voters, these political forces are buying the is actually throwing away taxpayers ‘ money to the wind. CVU has developed amendments to the legislation, which prohibits parties to place advertisements for the budget”, – said the Chairman of the CVU Alexey Purse.
The public Association said that the information submitted according to the analysis of financial statements of political parties for the III, IV quarters of 2016, and I, II, III quarters of 2017.
Recall, CVU regularly calls the most avid truants in the Verkhovna Rada.