Come to a similar result has helped the singer is a fitness coach and nutritionist.

The former participant of group “Tatu” took part in a sports marathon. Nutritionist picked up her need a diet and fitness coach arranged for her effective workout in the gym. The last few weeks, the singer regularly shares pictures, which are posed in a swimsuit or sport suit.

It seems that the diet was not very hard, as the actress even looked in the fast food restaurants. And yet now, again, weighs 45 pounds.

“Through proper diet, active physical exercises, tennis, swimming, massages I have achieved this goal and again 45 kg. to Do sport is my lifestyle”, the singer wrote on the social network.

“Julia, you look beautiful”, “Class Julia, well done”, “We are very happy for your results! Keep it up,” “I Admire your strength of will is always,” commented the post celebrity subscribers.