Journalist respown porobic about sarimanok in Austr partner Firtash
Uncategorized February 28, 2017
“Those scho in Austr took the Hares Youssef, I would f Vctor of Andriyovich (Yushchenko – ed.) zadumalsja” – said Shcherbina.
For Yogo words, Youssef poznajmy agraha Frtee s colinm President of Ukraine Yushchenko.
“Youssef – republka man s duzhe divney biography. I’m pam I remember, Yak at 2006 year SBU publio operedila Yushchenko scho Taka man – Yogo by radnik I TSE zagrozu national teresam of Ukraine”, – said Shcherbina.
He zauvazhiv, scho yakscho then SBU robila Qiu said publio, TSE swit about those scho Yushchenko in the moment pereboeva in Stani so Swano nekontaktnost.
Shcherbina specifying scho Youssef was stimuli for spansko right, deal eco prikovan from hromadskosti.