Israel was the first country in the middle East, where decriminalized the use of marijuana

Criminal case now will excite only if the fourth capture
The Israeli Cabinet decided that people caught using marijuana in a public place should be fined, not prosecuted.
About it tells the BBC.
A fine – about 270 dollars. When re-arrest it will be doubled.
The third time the offender will be under the supervision of the authorities, but after a relatively short period will be completely free.
Only in the case of the fourth caught will be prosecuted. Funds received from fines will be directed to education programmes on drug use.
Thus, Israel became the first country in the middle East, where decriminalized the use of marijuana. This country is a world leader in the study of the use of marijuana for medical purposes.
According to the official data of the Israeli Ministry of health, about 25 thousand people in the country are eligible for medical marijuana.
Recall that Georgia had repealed criminal liability for Smoking marijuana in small doses.