In Ukraine, you may receive a “Megan’s Law”

Just last year documented more than 400 sex crimes against children
Police Donetsk region proposes to strengthen responsibility for crimes against sexual integrity of children, in particular, will initiate the adoption by the Verkhovna Rada of so-called “Megan’s Law”.
About this was discussed today at a meeting in the Donetsk Chapter of the police, the press service of the National police.
According to the chief of police in Donetsk region Vyacheslav Abroskin, in the past year on the territory of Ukraine, documented more than 400 sexual crimes against children, but in fact there are many more.
“This is a latent crime, for many years, criminals commit crimes, rape children and are not punished. In our country today, the most humane attitude to people who commit crimes against the future state,” – said Abroskin.
According to the Deputy Minister of internal Affairs Anastasia Deev, “Megan’s Law” is one of the tools that will help to identify sex offenders and prevent repeat offenses.
“But without the active involvement of local authorities and infrastructure assistance, including medical and psychological, comprehensive child protection system is impossible”, – said Deeva.
We will remind, “the Law Megan Kanka” was adopted in the United States in 1996. It is named after 7-year-old girl who was raped and killed 33-year-old pedophile who had already served his sentence for molesting two young girls. The law provides for the creation of an open database of persons who have committed sexual crimes, with the publication of their personal data – name, surname, photo and place of residence. Thus, every citizen can in the Internet to verify whether their neighbor or school teacher convicted of sexual offences. In some States, you can find posters that inform about the lack of pedophiles in the city. Also the law requires rapists to life to inform the police about change of the place of residence and work. Information is entered in the register only after the court decision.