In Ukraine, tomorrow will come the summer heat

In Kiev – rain; the night temperature 5-7° heat, day 20-22°
In the coming days the weather in Ukraine will determine the dry and warm air mass.
It is reported Ukrgidromettsentr.
The temperature at night 3-8° C, in the Eastern part at about 0°; in the afternoon 18-23°, in the East, Dnepropetrovsk , Zaporozhye and Kherson regions 12-17°. Wind southwest 5-10 m/s.
April 3 – rain only in the afternoon in Western and Northern regions places a small intermittent rain, thunderstorms. The wind is South-West and South-East of 5-10 m/C. night Temperature 2-9° C, 17-22°.
In Kiev – night light rain in the afternoon places a small rain, a thunderstorm; the air temperature at night 7-9° heat, day 20-22°.
We will remind, according to the Central geophysical Observatory in Kiev on 2 April, the highest day temperature was +22 in 1990, the lowest night to -8.8 in 1931