The traffic violator a few tens of meters dragged the patrol, who was clinging to the driver’s door.
After the crime the driver fled from the scene / photo:
In the river the driver of the Jaguar S-Type reached by car on asphalt a few dozen meters to the patrol officer, causing him multiple injuries.
As reported the UNIAN in Department of communication of the police of the Dnepropetrovsk region, a patrol stopped the driver of a foreign car August 20 around 1:30 on the Avenue Slobozhansky for violation of traffic rules.
“While chatting with a police man jumped in the car and handed over a patrol, which held the driver’s door. As a result, the police suffered injuries. After the crime the driver fled the scene of the crime”, – is spoken in the message.
The city of Dnepr was introduced operational plan “Interception”, in which 37-year-old offender was arrested and taken to Amur-Nizhnedneprovsky office of police. The driver faces criminal liability (up to 3 years in prison) under part 1 of article 345 of the Criminal code of Ukraine (threat or violence concerning the employee of law enforcement body).