The SBU is working on the case on arrest of property of “112” TV channel in the interest of Andrei Bogdan.
About it reports the edition “theБабель” reports
Earlier, Poroshenko revealed the truth about the real owner of NewsOne and TV “112 Ukraine”.
It is noted that after the inauguration Zelensky in the country
go back to the old owner “112” TV channel Andrei Podsypku. He immediately
also wrote an appeal to the Zelensky with a request to look into capturing it
of ownership in 2017. Engaged SBU, which is ready for operation
detention of property of the channel before the end of the investigation. However, the head of the GPU
Yuriy Lutsenko refuses to sign the resolution on seizure of property of the channel,
as it believes that “the pressure on freedom of speech.”
The publication revealed that the case can stand the head of the OP
Andrew Bogdan, who wants to dismiss Viktor Medvedchuk from the office
channel and get it yourself.
Bakanov no, no Bogdan, the situation is not commented.
“theБабель” says that the new attorney General
may authorize the seizure of property and are after management
the company, which will receive the ability to control the channel in the interests of
Earlier Turchinov called an effective “weapon” against Medvedchuk and TV channels.
And Kazan was named the true reason for a night attack on “112 Ukraine”.