To determine the cause of death of the girl’s body sent to the Bureau it is judicial-medical examinations.
To determine the cause of death the body is sent to forensic medical examinations photo GU gschs in Odessa region

In Belgorod-Dniester district of Odessa region into the deaths of two children in a burning car, the police opened two criminal proceedings.

See also the Odessa region in burning car killed 2-year-old girl (photo)

As reported the UNIAN in head Department of the national police in the Odessa region, the case opened in connection with the death of a little girl in the village of Cossack may 10.

In particular, the investigative team found that the fire killed 2-year-old daughter of the owner of the car “VAZ”, which was in the car. The presumed cause of the fire was careless handling of fire.

According to the Deputy head of the investigative Department of Bilhorod-Dnistrovskyi police Department Natalia Mitrofanova, 27-year-old girl’s father said that yesterday morning with her daughter went to the car. When he returned, he came with the child from the car – a man came into the house, and the girl stayed in the yard without adult supervision.

“When a few minutes later dad looked out the window, in the yard of the child was not. Then he went outside and saw the first smoke in the car, and opened the door, the flame in the passenger seat. There he discovered the lifeless body and… According to the man, he brought baby in the house and tried to help, but in vain,” – said Mitrofanov.

Upon the death of the child information entered in the Unified register of pre-judicial investigations on signs of the criminal offense under clause 2 of part 2 of article 115 of the Criminal code (“premeditated murder marked the “accident”is”).

In addition, the criminal proceedings under article 166 of the Criminal code (“malicious non-performance of duties on care of the child or person in respect of whom is established guardianship or guardianship”).

To determine the cause of death the body is sent to forensic medical examinations.

As reported the UNIAN, may 10, in the Cossack village of Belgorod-Dniester district of Odessa region in a burning car killed 2-year-old girl. According to one version, the fire occurred due to the fact that the child was playing with matches.