The investigation was launched after the death of border guards from the use of psychotropic substances. Arrested 32 people, among them – the leader of the gang and the main players.
Arrested 32 people, among them – the leader of the gang and the main players Photo UNIAN

Law enforcement officers yesterday conducted a major special operation, exposing the channel of drug distribution, including, among soldiers in Odessa region.

Read takuyamurata told who was behind the drug trafficking in Ukraine (video)

As reported the UNIAN in a press-service of the Odessa border detachment of the southern regional administration of State border service of Ukraine, April 10 during a large-scale special operation law enforcement officers conducted in several regions of Ukraine the arrest of the criminals involved in the manufacture and sale of drugs. Also raided the residence of defendants in criminal proceedings in the field of possible objects of the crime.

The criminal organization engaged in the manufacture and distribution of particularly dangerous drugs on the territory of Ukraine, one of its main “lesions” was in Odessa region.

As noted, in a joint special operation was attended by the police, border guards and Prosecutor’s office.

“The impetus for investigation was the death due to the consumption of psychoactive substances one of the soldiers of Bilhorod-Dnistrovskyi border guard detachment”, – said the press service.

Events for establishment of persons, involved in the manufacture and distribution of drugs, including among the staff of state frontier service, operatives of the internal security border Agency has conducted since the end of last year.

“Employees of the border agencies ran errands for documenting that the drug mules involved in the death of a border guard. During the documenting of illegal activities of the investigators also recorded the receipt of laboratory equipment and components for the manufacture of drugs, and the channels of their income”, – told the press service.

As stated in the official report of the National police, in General, exposed a criminal organization which was engaged in the manufacture and distribution of particularly dangerous drugs on the territory of 13 regions of Ukraine.

According to preliminary data, the monthly turnover of goods amounted to 10 million UAH.

The group had a stable hierarchical structure, which includes the leader, the main and “ordinary” members, is conspiracy.

The organizer of the scheme – 27-the summer earlier judged for illegal drug operations, the native of Odessa region, a resident of Kiev. His “right hand” – 23-summer inhabitant of Odessa, also lives in the capital. Financial control and so they trust their wives – 23-24-year-old resident of Kiev. One of them registered as natural person-entrepreneur in Odessa and is the owner of several properties in the capital.

Marketed products attackers using chat bot in one of the messengers, where customers have chosen the type of drug, quantity, place of receipt and payment details.

Funds received from the sale, accumulated on the electronic wallets, then transferred to the Bank card intruders.

In the course of a special operation conducted a total of nearly 170 searches in different regions of Ukraine. Seized 1.8 tons of precursors, nearly 1 thousand tablets of ecstasy, 57 kg of marijuana, 41 kg of amphetamine, 3.2 kg of methadone, nearly 100 grams of cocaine and shrubs cannabis and also firearms, ammunition, cash in different currencies (equivalent to UAH 3.5 mln.) etc.

In total, according to the national police arrested 32 people, among them – the leader of the gang and the main players. Attackers announced the suspicion on a number of articles of the Criminal code.

Being tested for possible involvement in exposed the criminal group of law enforcement officers.