Previously it is established that the pepper gas canister in school brought ninth and sprayed during recess.
In hospital with the diagnosis burns of the respiratory tract pepper gas delivered 36 pupils Photo UNIAN

Today in the village Beacons belyaevskogo district of Odessa region from-for spraying pepper spray in the school building, 36 students received burns of the respiratory tract.

See also the Odessa region as a result of spraying pepper spray in the school suffered nearly 20 students

As reported the UNIAN in Department of communications Chief of the national police in the region, as a result of the incident in the hospital with the diagnosis burns of the respiratory tract pepper gas delivered to 36 students.

“After helping 26 children were allowed to go home, another ten students are now provided with medical assistance”, – stated in the message.

Previously it is established that the pepper gas canister in school brought student of the 9th grade and sprayed during recess. The balloon is withdrawn.

The issue of involvement of the parents of the student to administrative responsibility under art 184, Art. At the scene continue to work it is investigatory-operative group of the Belyaevsky police Department, the management and prevention of juvenile inspectors of the Main Department of Ukraine in Odessa region.

As reported the UNIAN, today in a school of the Belyaevsky region of Odessa region in the class with sprayed gas. Initially it was reported about the hospitalization of 20 children.