In the Moscow College student on camera killed a teacher and then himself

The murder happened during the break
In Moscow in College “Western complex of continuing education” student stabbed his teacher OBZH (basics of life safety), and then committed suicide. This writes Moskovsky Komsomolets.
“In one of the rooms on the 3rd floor during recess student Andrew E. was killed with a knife a teacher OBZH Sergei Danilov, 44, then stabbed himself, removing what is happening on the camera and spreading in social networks”, – stated in the message.
In particular, after the murder of a student took a selfie on the background of the murdered teacher.
From the received wounds both died on the spot.
The corpses found a teacher of special disciplines, when I went to the office.
According to one version, the student can kill the teacher because of a conflict, and then commit suicide, but investigators are checking an alternative version, in which a third party to the conflict cut the throat of the teacher and the student and fled.