The Federation Council member Oleg Morozov in an interview with the FAN appreciated the reports that the operator of the project “Northern stream — 2” 2 Nord Stream AG is considering creating a separate company that will own and manage a small underwater part of the pipeline in German territorial waters.

  • RIA Novosti

“Germany protects its future,” — said the Senator.

According to him, Berlin is looking for different maneuvers, including legal.

As noted by Morozov, the point is to best protect themselves from potential threats, as Germany’s national interests.

“The gas they need today and tomorrow,” he added.

Earlier, the Ukrainian scientist and economist Alexander Dudchak in an interview with NSN commented on the statement by the head of the NJSC “Naftogaz of Ukraine” Andriy KOBOLEV about the risk of a complete loss of gas transit upon completion of the construction of “Nord stream — 2”.