The song “do-re-meow” consists of three male bullies.
In Odessa established a sculpture “singing” cats / photo odessa.onlineСегодня in the center of Odessa opened a monument “singing cats”.
As the correspondent of the UNIAN reports, the sculpture installed at the intersection of Leontovych and Panteleimon.
See also the center of Odessa was solemnly opened a monument to the cat with the tablet (photos)
The author of the composition representing the three “singing” cats in their natural size, is the Odessa sculptor Tatyana Stykalo.
Figurines of cats attached to the facade of the building located here, one on the windowsill, next to, on the ledge outside the front door – two more. The cats mouth is wide open and creates the effect that now they will begin to make sounds.
As explained to journalists the author of the art object, the animals made “not perfect” (at one cat, for example, torn ear, the other had no tail) deliberately, as she sought to recreate real life street cats of Odessa.
Art objects made of polyester resin / photo
“They are damaged people. And, of course, rather not sing and shout, than pretty annoying citizens, especially in March,” said Stykalo.
As noted, the song entitled “do-re-meow” is made of epoxy resin, prototypes of the three “cats-bullies” were more than ten real animals.
Sculpture created in the framework of the project “Odessa cats”. Next to her is a sign that indicates the sculptor, the name of the object and the material from which it is made.
It is assumed that “singing cats” will be included in the tourist route of the city.
The opening of this song caused a stir, a large number of people seeking to be photographed with the sculpture.
Prototypes of the sculptures — real street cat fighter / photo
As UNIAN reported earlier, the project “Odessa cats” – a series of sculptures located in the most unusual places of the city (on trees, on the roof, etc.).
The concept of the project (according to the principle of Wroclaw dwarfs) is that the sculptures represent the figures of cats in their natural size – a kind of frozen scenes from everyday life. For example, the cat is sleeping, dangling my foot, drinking water from a fountain, etc.
Three cats “settled” on the front of the house near the musical Comedy / photo