In the case of poisoning from sushi in Kiev can be prosecuted

The number of victims has reached 25
After poisoning the sushi in one of the restaurants of the network “Eurasia” in Kiev in the medical establishment turned 25.
This was announced by Deputy head of Rospotrebsoyuz Alexander Ovcharenko writes “112 Ukraine“.
“At this point asked for the help of 25 people, including one child. Four people, including a child, refused hospitalization and treatment is 21 people,” he said.
- See ALSO: Children poisoned by chlorine in the water Park of Kharkov, was discharged from the hospital
According to the representative of Rospotrebsoyuz, samples were selected samples and surveyed 20 people of staff who served customers.
“All materials are sent to the lab. A day or two we understand what caused this disease,” he said.
Ovcharenko added that all materials submitted to Netpolicy, where the question on excitation of criminal case.
We will remind, in Kiev recorded outbreak of acute intestinal infection.