Disturbing news – on the bottom near Antarctica, scientists have recorded active leakage of methane, a greenhouse gas that contributes to global warming much more than carbon dioxide. This conclusion is based on the results of the report of the panel of scientists was published Tuesday in the journal of the London Royal scientific society – Proceedigs of the Royal Society.
Leakage of methane is of serious concern to scientists due to the fact that in this region there is a sufficient number of microorganisms that consume the gas before it gets into the atmosphere. For the first time the leak was detected in 2011 and only five years with her were the microorganisms that filter the methane. However, judging by the fact that the gas still goes into the atmosphere, their efforts are not enough.
According to scientists, the ice of the Antarctic seas contains up to a quarter of the earth’s reserves of methane, and its leakage will speed up the melting of ice and rising global temperatures.
The report also suggests that the results obtained expand the understanding of how consumed and released methane in Antarctica, which up to this almost nothing was known.
Unfortunately, when scientists will have the opportunity to return to Antarctica to continue research, is unknown. Pandemic coronavirus has confused all plans for the years ahead.
Source — Business Insider