In Russia plan to create a children’s political channel

For the project are ready to spend 210 million rubles
Russia plans to create “socio-political channel” for children and adolescents. The implementation of this project plans to allocate 210 million rubles in 2018-2020. The corresponding rate prescribed in the amendments to the state budget of the Russian Federation, writes RBC.
Additional grants will be focused on “financial support for the creation and organizational and technical support a dedicated channel socio-political orientation, aimed at children aged 8-16 years.” The implementation of the project will deal with the FSUE “Information Telegraph Agency” (ITAR-TASS).
Head of corporate communications, ITAR-TASS Dmitry Pertsev said that the project will be launched in 2018, it will be implemented “in coordination” with Russia.
Under the creation of “a dedicated channel socio-political orientation” refers to “children’s (news – ed) tape.”
“[In 2018] will be a special children’s edition. Its task is to collect the most interesting and significant Russian and world news for students,” noted Peppers.
According to pepper, for a new project is planned, “the creation of a technological platform”.