Castle poenari (photos touristinromania.net)
Romanian authorities have closed the entrance to one of the most popular attractions of the country – castle poenari, which is known for its history of hospodar of Wallachia Vlad Tepes – the prototype of count Dracula. It is reported by
the BBC.
Thus the authorities want to protect the tourists from the bears. Recently, several tourists who were walking up the steps to the ruins of the old castle, met with a brown bear who is raising three cubs, and lives nearby.
The Ministry of environmental protection has allowed the local authorities to remove the animals from the castle, but it’s unclear where they can be sent. Police believe the bears were attracted by food tourists leave behind.
The guides call the castle poenari “the real Dracula’s castle” as opposed to the popular bran castle, where only occasionally stayed, the ruler Vlad Tepes, who ruled southern Romania in the mid-fifteenth century. The nickname Tepes, “the Impaler”, ruler got the habit to impale his enemies.
Photo: touristinromania.net
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