In January 2018 at the railway station of Odessa, not waiting for medical assistance, has died 52-the summer man.
The man, without waiting for medical assistance, he died / photo UNIAN Odessa will judge the EMT, who in January last year did not help a dying man on the street man.

As reported the UNIAN in a press-service of Prosecutor’s office of Odessa region, Odessa prosecutors of the local Prosecutor’s office No. 3 yesterday, February 14, was sent to the court indictment against the doctor, suspect the failure of the patient’s care, which led to the death of the latter.

It is noted that in January last year, the patrol police officers on a call of citizens arrived at the train station, where the bus stop and found the man, who complained of feeling unwell.

“Law enforcement called for an ambulance. However, the medical team, in spite of exactly the specified location of the call, arrived at a different location – relatively close to the place where the dying person. It is also established that the doctor was drunk,” – said the press service.

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Noticing the ambulance, the police informed the doctors about the exact location of the victim. But they have not responded to a request from police to help 52-year-old man, who, without waiting for medical assistance, died.

Pre-trial investigation in criminal proceedings carried out by the investigators of the seaside police Department part 2 of article 139 (failure to assist a patient medical professional that resulted in the death of the patient) of the Criminal code of Ukraine.

As UNIAN reported earlier, on the evening of 16 January 2018 in Odessa was detained by a drunken doctor and a paramedic ambulance, which help the dying man on the street man.

In particular, the police received a report that near the train station is a half-naked man who complains about the condition. Arrived on a call, law enforcement officers repeatedly called the ambulance, the car which after some time came to a stop public transport near the train station and to the right place arrived more than 20 minutes after the second reminder the patrol.

By the time the patient’s condition has already deteriorated, and he died.