Videos, photos In Odessa appeared comic monuments to Kim Jong Ynu and the TrampPhoto:

Figures made from plaster and painted in a “classic totalitarian socialist realist color”

29.03.19 14700

On Alexander Avenue in Odessa appeared comic monuments to the President of the United States Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Ynu. About it reports local edition Думская.net.

The author of the monuments, the artist Vadim Bondarenko said that the figures made from plaster and painted in a “classic totalitarian socialist realist color.”

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On Alexander Avenue monuments stood for a few hours and then went to the Museum of modern art on the street Leontovicha. It is planned that in the summer of monuments will go to the exhibition in Miami.

“First there was an art installation in the form of a painted bust of a trump, and when we saw the interest of people, decided to make these busts trump and UN. They stand opposite each other, which symbolize the talks between the leaders”, – said the artist.

As previously reported by the Focus:

  • On Andreevsky descent in Kiev, a monument to the legendary pop artist, composer, poet and singer of the early twentieth century-Alexander Vertinsky.
  • On 15 February in Kiev unknown persons have painted monument to the warrior of the ATO.