In Odessa region the driver hit two women

KIEV. May 10. UNN. The driver lost control, drove into the side of the road and knocked down two women in the village of Primorsk, Belgorod-Dniester district of Odessa region. About it reported in Department of communications GU-Ukraine in Odessa region, reports UNN.

As established previously, the law enforcement officers, 48-year-old car driver has not coped with management and has left on a roadside where made arrival on two women. As a result of accident from the got injuries the 65-year and 82-year-old pensioner died on the spot.

Now all circumstances of road accident are established. The issue of entering information in eRDR under part 2 of article 286 (violation of traffic rules) of the Criminal code of Ukraine.

As reported by UNN, in the Zhytomyr region the train to death brought down the woman.