For the first two weeks of January in the Odessa city hospital received 35 patients in whom the diagnosis of “hepatitis A” confirmed by laboratory tests.
The number of patients in 2018 in 2 times exceeded the indicator of 2017 / photo Unionsecurity say about the sharp increase in the incidence of hepatitis A in Odessa.

As the correspondent of the UNIAN reports, it today on a press-conferences were reported by the chief specialist of Department of state supervision over observance of sanitary legislation Management Gospodarevskaya in Odessa region Olga Balanovsky.

According to her, the increase in incidence began in the autumn, and the number of patients in 2018 in 2 times exceeded the indicator of 2017.

The expert stressed that for the first 2 weeks of January in the Odessa city hospital received 35 patients in whom the diagnosis was confirmed laboratory. It is noted that 75-80% of patients – teenagers and adults.

See also school near Odessa recorded outbreak of viral hepatitis

She also said that in some cases the virus was imported from Asian countries – Uzbekistan, Egypt, and India.

According to Balanovsky, recorded several local centers, when ill, the whole family.

The cyclical rise in the incidence of viral hepatitis And 10-12 years. In Ukraine, as noted by the expert, the latest increase was observed in 1995.

The incubation period of the disease can be 10-35 days, the source of infection is man, it is transmitted by the fecal-oral way. In this regard, to prevent the spread of infection Balanovsky called in the first place, to observe hygiene.