Snow in Odessa will go all day.
Illustration REUTERS
On 16 November in Odessa declared a storm warning. Will be cloudy weather, sometimes rain, ice, sleet. And the snow will go from the morning until the end of the day.
See also Kiev today without precipitation, the temperature to +2°
Wind North-East, 9-14 m/s with gusts of 15-20 m/s, reports Night temperature 0-2 degrees of frost, day 0-2 degrees Celsius.
In Odessa region it is cloudy. Precipitation, places ice, sleet. Wind North-East, 9-14 m/s, places rushes of 15-20 m/s.
The temperature at night 0-5 ° frost, in the afternoon from 2 degrees to 3 degrees Celsius.
As reported the UNIAN Weather, 16 November in Ukraine will be cold, in the South the rains and snow.