In ºC hochut of produziti sectoral Sankt against Russia have lips
June 20, 2017
photo: REUTERS
20 June, 2017, 14:59
Brosius got Namir produite sectoral sanctions against Russia to CNCA lipnya
About TSE said Verhovni predstavnik Evrosouzu s of pitane soundno policy the policy BEZPEKA Federko Modern, powders “RBC-Ukraine“.
Won soumaila scho Brosius got Namir to CNCA lipnya of produziti do low sanctions against the Kremlin, that storytime okremih sectors economci powers.
For – words, Mnsc please salecause valuim factor versene conflct on Donbas, however, the data currently in the progress chromo vicodan no.
“Guilty konstatovat, scho vicodan of doublenotes real prosuvannya no. I pripuskayut scho bude versino of produziti ninsin Sanct. But, of course, TSE will obgovarivali powers-members, I think, after the Yak to beretisa Evropeiska Glad to CNC tsogo tyzhden. We have a hour before CNCA lipnya dwellers versity schodo prodovzhennja sanctions,” nagolovu Modern.