The former CEO of the company “Smartasset-terminal” Roman Ruzicka, which takes place in the case of contamination of the oil pipeline “Friendship”, was detained in Lithuania, reports TASS citing a source in law enforcement bodies. Earlier Ruzicka was declared in the international search.

According to the source Agency in law enforcement that Ruzicka was arrested in Vilnius by the staff of the Interpol.

Samara district court on may 15 arrested in absentia of the Novel Ruzicka. He was charged under three articles of the criminal code and he would be detained for two months since his extradition or detention on the territory of the Russian Federation.

At the end of June, the same court extended until 30 September the arrest of the defendants in the case about the pollution of the oil pipeline “Druzhba” – the General Director of LLC “Neftepervalki” Svetlana Balaba and her Deputy Rustam Husnutdinov. Arrested the General Director of OOO “PetroNeft asset” Vladimir Zhogolev.

Under house arrest are Roman Yakushev, a novel by Gladkov, Vladimir Matyukhin and Dmitry Nikishov, all of them are employees of the company “Transneft-Druzhba”. Nikishov – Deputy head of the Kuibyshev district Department of the Druzhba pipeline in the commodity-transport operations, the Yakushev – the chief of Department of this management, Gladkov head of the acceptance point (SRP) “Lopatino”, Matyuhin – engineer PSP Lopatino.

Even house arrest is also Deputy Director of OOO “Magistral” Sergey Balandin.

We will remind, on April 19, the Belarusian concern “Belneftekhim” reported on the supply of substandard oil from Russia. “Gomeltransneft Druzhba” 24 APR stopped the transit of “dirty” Russian oil to Europe. The two Belarusian refineries – OJSC “Mozyr oil refinery” (Gomel oblast) and JSC “Naftan” (Vitebsk oblast) – reported the threat of equipment damage and almost 50% have reduced the amount of refining and were forced to stop exports of light oil products to Ukraine, Poland and the Baltic countries.

“Belneftekhim” found in the Russian export blend Urals, transited in the section of the main pipeline of OJSC “Gomeltransneft Druzhba”, increased tenfold the content of organochlorine compounds with high corrosive activity. Low-quality Russian oil led to the failure of the expensive equipment at the Mozyr oil refinery (refinery).

Transit “dirty” Russian oil through the pipeline was stopped in Poland, then about temporary suspension of Russian oil transit said Ukraine, Slovakia and Germany. Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Kozak urged then not to politicize the issue, stating that it is of a technical nature.

Russian PJSC “Transneft” has found out that the source of oil pollution is oil pipeline Samara – Unecha. Transit “dirty” Russian oil through the pipeline was stopped.

May 2 in Belarus began to receive qualitative raw materials, however, it was noted earlier that even after that the system will operate in a “functionally limited”, and its full recovery will take at least six months.

The Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation stated that the “dirty” oil was loaded in the pipeline for concealment and embezzlement of raw materials. In fact oil pollution criminal case under part 4 of article 215.3 of the criminal code, article 210 of the criminal code (“Unauthorized connection to pipelines, oil pipelines and gas pipelines or bringing them in disrepair” and “Organization of criminal community and participation in it”) and item 158 of the criminal code (“Theft”). Oil corresponding to the standard, came on the border of Belarus through the pipeline “Friendship” on may 2.