In Yekaterinburg opened a criminal case against the man accused of torturing a two year old child. It is reported URA.RU with reference to the press service of the SU IC of Russia in the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous district.

  • RIA Novosti

According to preliminary information, April 5, male, bathing the son of a concubine in the tub, briefly left it unattended. When he returned, he found that the child went under water.

“Arrived on the scene, paramedics were able to revive the boy, in critical condition, he was taken to hospital. During the inspection conducted by the health workers, the child discovered numerous traces of beatings” — told investigators.

The man was charged. He is in custody.

According to investigators, the injuries to the boy were deposited from November 2018. Previously it is established that the family moved in the Khanty from the Orenburg region nine months ago. The actions of the child’s mother will also receive a legal assessment.

Newinform previously reported that in the Stavropol territory passed a sentence against a woman accused of causing of heavy harm to health of the baby.