
In Kharkov, will soon begin shooting a film about the Holocaust / YouTubeВ Kharkov will soon begin shooting a film about the Holocaust, the plot of which is based on real events.

In its basis lies the history of the life of the Ukrainian Jewish Nina Laktionova, which managed to survive the Catastrophe and to literally “get out of hell”, the “Jewish news”.

Directed by Anton Galushka-Adakin said that in addition to the main storyline in the movie will be revealed the history of the Holocaust in General, which has been attracted many researchers of this topic in Ukraine.

In Kharkov, the concentration camp was located on the site of the modern tractor plant. The main character, Nina, got there in the age of five with his family and the only one she managed to survive.

Tentatively, the movie will be called “the Kharkov Holocaust”, but finally with the title still undecided.