In Kharkov, was sentenced to 10 years in prison the doctor who introduced lethal injection son-in-law

Oncologist waylaid unloved son-in-law in the garage
Kominternovskiy district court of Kharkiv sentenced the oncologist to 10 years of imprisonment for the introduction of his son-in lethal injection. Reports a press about it-service of Prosecutor’s office of Kharkiv.
According to investigators, the son-in-law have not had relations with the daughter, and they were going to leave. In this regard, relations with the father-in-law did not work. In February 2015, a man came to the apartment where he lived with the daughter of the family. At that moment there was nobody home: a daughter with a child left, and son-in-law returned home from work. He dressed in unremarkable clothes and went to the garage to wait for her husband’s daughter.
“When the son got out of the car, the attacker stabbed him in the right thigh with a syringe needle and injected the medication. The man became ill. A few minutes before his death he managed to call my brother and tell father-in-law gave him an injection in the leg. According to conclusions of experts, the cause of death of 40-year-old man was cardio-pulmonary failure. This could occur as a result of the action of muscle relaxants. In particular, the drug “Arduan” that is administered to patients by transferring them to artificial respiration and, if after the introduction of the drug do not connect the respirator, the person dying, ” said Prosecutor Victoria Tugaibei.
After the attack on son-in-law the man tried to destroy traces of the crime, and the murder to pass off as a natural death of the man. He dragged the body to a deserted place so it was not found immediately.
The investigation revealed that the defendant was a practicing physician-an oncologist and had the access to such medicines and prepared to commit murder.
He was accused of premeditated murder under part 1 of article 115 of the Criminal code of Ukraine. The accused pleaded not guilty.