In Kharkov activists trashed the place the filming of the series about the Soviet Nkvdshniki

The movie allegedly glorifies those on whose hands the blood of Ukrainians
In Kharkov activists of the “National corpus” defeated the scenery on the set of the TV series about the Soviet investigators and hung up on her site, images shot by the NKVD of Ukrainians. The police tried to stop the activists, resulting in between them scuffle ensued, according to local site
The incident occurred on the territory of NTU “KHPI”, where for several weeks shooting the second season of the military detective “laws of war”. In the story the characters are investigators of military Prosecutor’s office Svetlana Elagina (Ekaterina Klimova), and Ivan Rokotov (Eugene, Volovenko) engaged in unraveling the various crimes. The shooting of the Soviet series has caused Kharkiv activists outrage. In their opinion the show promotes Soviet ideas, glorifying the “exploits” of the NKVD to exterminate the population of Ukraine.
In addition, the series removed the Russian actors included in the database of the “Peacemaker”, in particular, Alexander Pankratov-Cherny, who was in “Purgatory” after a visit to the occupied Donbass and worship Putin in 2014.
“We were waiting for the response of law enforcement, addressed to the rector of KPI, with the request to assist in ending the filming of the series, promotes Ukraine hostile ideology, but to no avail,” – said the activist of “NC” Stas, Mikulenko.
“Shooting, glorifying the NKVD of the USSR, who “gave” us the millions of tortured and murdered Ukrainians, and do not reflect the objectivity of historical events in our city will not be held”, – he said.
We will remind, the UN urged Ukraine to investigate the activity of the site “Peacemaker”.