Photos, videos In Kharkov activists of the “Azov” attacked shooting: 1 wounded, 9 detention

The attackers allegedly were ex-soldiers of the battalion “Donbass”
Last night, February 17, in Kharkov, in the residential area of Alekseyevka skirmish between members of the “Shidny hull”, “Azov” and supposedly veterans of the battalion “Donbass”. One representative “Shidny corps” received a gunshot wound, according to Gromadske Hariku.
According to the head of the Kharkiv branch of the corps “Azov” Oleg Shiryaev cause of the fire was the conflict over the blockade of coal supplies.
“It’s a conflict with people Murewa, not Semenchenko – we know that the Spaniard is working on Murewa”, – said the publication of Shiryaev.
After the shooting, the veterans of the battalion “Donbass” hid in the kindergarten nearby. After some time, they are throwing weapons, surrendered to the police.
Information about the shooting is confirmed in the national police, but information about his involvement in the shooting dobrobatov not comment.
“At 21.20 in Kharkov a clash occurred between the men in camouflage uniforms and a group of people. As a result, one of the parties to the conflict was wounded. On a scene there has arrived patrol police who started following a group of people in camouflage uniforms among the attackers. Nine of the attackers were arrested,” – said the press service of the national police.
Note that the incident and commented in the party “national body”, created on the basis of the Civil case “Azov”.
“A group of activists were in a pre-planned ambush and came under automatic weapons fire, killing one of the activists received heavy gunshot wounds, and the rest turned to a forced self-defense, saving their lives”, – is spoken in the message published on the website of the party.
In the battalion “Donbass” deny the participation of its fighters in a shootout in Kharkov. This is stated in the message of the Inner case of the battalion “Donbass” on Facebook.
In particular it is noted that the fighter with the Callsign “the Spaniard,” who allegedly was involved in the conflict, actually served in the battalion “Donbass”, but was discharged in the spring of 2016.
“Specified in the publications of the fighter with the Callsign “Hispanic” actually served in the NSU battalion “Donbass”, in the spring of 2016 demobilized and more irrelevant to the service in the “Donbass”, and especially to the Blockade of trade with the occupants does not have”, – stated in the message.
It is reported that the “Hispanic” supposedly worked at some of the Kharkov security firm.
The cause of the conflict, according to local publication the IT Sector, in the post Shiryaeva in Facebook against the blockade of coal supplies from Donbass. He, in particular, wrote that the embargo of strategic material is a road to nowhere. In his opinion, to refuse of anthracite coal from the Donbass possible only when Ukraine will minimize dependence on him. Shiryaev also called on the fighters of the ATO not to succumb to the calls of Seeds Semenchenko.
However, in the National case claim that they support the blockade of trade with the occupied territories.
“At the same time, the absurd is the version of some journalists who, indicating that the cause of the incident was reportedly a conflict over the blockade of the supply of coal from the occupied Donbass, saying that the activists of the National Body “as we know” don’t support the blockade. The cessation of trade with terrorists is a fundamental programmatic position of the party “national Case”, the activists who are the participants of the blockade,” – said in a statement the press service of the party.