Identified the most anticipated movies of 2018

In the first place superhero picture “the Avengers: infinity War”
The world’s largest database of movie IMDb called the most anticipated movies of 2018. It is reported by the 112 Ukraine with reference to The Wrap.
The first place is the superhero picture “the Avengers: infinity War” from the Marvel universe.
Two more films from the same franchise were on the second and third lines – “Black Panther” and “Deadpool-2”, respectively.
- SEE ALSO: 4.5.0. “Cyborg” – not about somewhere, sometime, with someone, but about the here and now with us
In the top ten also included “Jurassic World-2”, “Tomb Raider: Lara Croft”, “Pacific rim 2”, “Predator”, “Eight friends of Oushena”.
Completing the top 10 film “Mission: impossible-6” and “Solo Star wars. History.”