Video hungry Russian soldiers burned down BTR

I wanted the food to heat up
In the Astrakhan region soldiers accidentally burned the armored personnel carrier (APC), trying to heat food on a fire.
It is reported
Video footage with the incident appeared on channel Foxtrot Fox the day before, but the incident occurred in may 2017.
The entry of the soldiers with a forlorn look trying to explain to a senior officer what had happened, and said that lit a fire to heat food. The grenade that the soldier holds in his hand, Smoking.
Burned-out BTR-82 in the classroom was covered with a camouflage net, a tarp and dry grass. All this erupted from the fire divorced. Its cost is about 28 million rubles.
Soldier video name is Simon Merezhnikov. For his misconduct, he was sent to a disciplinary battalion for six months.
Carefully, in the video there is profanity!