Hungary received “the last Chinese” warning from the European Commission

The country is not fulfilling its obligations under the Treaty on the free movement of capital
The European Commission on 4 October issued a reasoned opinion – the Second step in the procedure violations to Hungary on its laws concerning non-governmental organizations financed from abroad. This is stated on the website of the EC, reports European truth.
Reasoned opinion of the European Commission on the Hungarian law on NGOs was followed by an official communication addressed to Budapest, July 14.
Hungary now has a month to take the necessary actions identified in the reasoned opinion. If Hungary will not be able to satisfactorily answer the claims of the European Commission, it may refer the matter to the ECJ.
The Commission decided to start proceedings against Hungary because of the failure of its obligations under the Treaty on the free movement of capital.
Violations identified in the provisions of the law on NGOs, which indirectly diskriminerad and disproportionately restrict donations from abroad to civil society organizations.
The Commission also believes that Hungary violated the right to freedom of Association and the right to protection of privacy and personal data enshrined in the Charter of fundamental rights of the EU.
Hungary replied to the official report of the Commission of 14 August. Carefully analyzing available Hungary explanation the European Commission has concluded that serious concerns had not been addressed.