The Netherlands is the business capital of the world, which is a major financial, trade, transport and industrial European center. Any foreign entrepreneur, regardless of his condition and type of activity, seeks to open a branch of his company or create his own business “from scratch” in the Netherlands. The Dutch government, by amending the legislation in October 2012, significantly simplified the registration process and the work process for foreign businessmen in the territory of their country.

The current state of business in the Netherlands

The Netherlands holds the leading position on economic development in the Eurozone. The authorities of the country seek to attract foreign investments and specialists capable of introducing innovative technologies in various spheres of production and life. It is easier to start a new business or buy a business in Holland than in other EU countries. After the registration of the company, the foreigner issues a residence permit.

Many opportunities for registration and development of small businesses. In this case, if the company has a positive impact on the development of the economy of the Netherlands, the entrepreneur will receive state aid at the start-up stage.

Can start a foreigner business

People want to know how to start their own business or virtual office in Netherlands , what documents they might need.

The registration rules are detailed on the website of the Chamber of Commerce of the Netherlands (CCI)

Foreigners from any country are allowed to open a business in the Netherlands if it complies with the registration rules.

Must provide to :

  1. Notarized copy of the passport of the future owner of the company (beneficiary).
  2. Letter of recommendation from a bank that maintains good repute.
  3. Information on the intended area of ​​activity.
  4. Information on the presence of a legal source of financing for starting a business.
  5. Business plan.

Business ownership

There are no restrictions on the ownership of enterprises opened by foreigners in the Netherlands.

There are mainly several types company formation in Netherlands :

  1. Eenmanszaak is an individual entrepreneur with the right to hire employees. Bankruptcy liability bears the full extent of its property.
  2. BV is a private company, one founder. The minimum share capital requirement has not been set. One share must be redeemed at the time of registration. Liability in the amount of authorized capital.
  3. VOF is a partner company, several shareholders operating within the framework of a concluded agreement that regulates the volume of deposits and the distribution of profits.
  4. NV – Open Joint Stock Company Limited Liability Company, authorized capital of EUR 45,000 is allowed to make money, equipment or real estate.

In addition, foreigners register:

  • cooperatives;
  • partnerships;
  • branches of foreign companies;
  • funds;
  • associations;
  • corporations.

The form of ownership is chosen taking into account the production goals and the amount of expected investment.

How to register a business

Starting a business in the Netherlands, a foreigner goes through several stages.

  1. Find the original name for the company.
  2. Prepare a company charter
  3. Notarize the identity of the founder.
  4. The documents are translated into Dutch, the translation is notarized.
  5. Prepared papers in person, send by registered letter or online to the CCI of the Netherlands (Chamber of Commerce and Industry). Companies are assigned a registration number. The cost of the service is 50 €. Applications are considered for five days.
  6. After registration in the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the company is registered with the Tax Inspectorate. Document review takes 30 days.
  7. If employees are hired, they are registered with Social Security. The average cost of registration is around € 1800.

Promising Business Areas

Attractive business ideas for Holland are:

  1. Opening of food enterprises (production of bakery products, beer, cheeses).
  2. Entrepreneurial startups in the field of implementation of modern technologies.
  3. Machine-tool and machine-building enterprises.
  4. Firms working in the chemical and oil refining industries.
  5. Construction enterprises.
  6. Growing and exporting flowers.
  7. Travel agencies.
  8. Trade of office equipment.

When choosing a business area, pay attention to the financial companies, restaurant business, medical services and construction are licensed.

Business Benefits in the Netherlands

Registration of your own business in the Netherlands allows you to offer services within the EU.

The main advantages are:

  1. The high authority of the Netherlands at the world level.
  2. Promotes business development legislation.
  3. Stable economic and political environment.
  4. The local tax system is clear and transparent.
  5. Administrative Services Available.
  6. Small businesses are even open to foreigners at the state level.
  7. It requires a small share capital.
  8. There is no double taxation.
  9. There is no currency control.