American scientists shared the secret to stress-eating, not gaining extra pounds.
In the midst of the epidemic of the coronavirus, many people sitting at home and not working, suffer high levels of stress. To calm their nervous system, they are more and more eating and frequent snacking such mainly selected high-calorie food.
The nutritionists found out that the diet changes when a person feels the danger, anxiety and experiences stress. The habit of eating high-calorie and unhealthy food often leads to obesity.
Harvard Professor David Ludwig is sure that stress-eating correctly: it is necessary to choose healthy and tasty foods.
Primarily American researchers recommend to choose the optimal Breakfast. After numerous experiments have established that as a balanced Breakfast, perfect scrambled eggs with Kale and pumpkin seeds.
Scrambled eggs and pumpkin seeds contain healthy polyunsaturated fats and chicken yolk contains nearly the full range of needed vitamins.
In cabbage high in fiber slow the breakdown of which will allow you to feel full for a long time. The calorie balance remains optimal and does not allow to gain extra pounds.
As previously reported Диалог.UA because of the epidemic of the coronavirus most people forced to stay at home, observing self-isolation. We should not forget about the strengthening the immune system, and you need to choose only healthy foods.
We will remind, British doctors told why it is impossible to cover mouth and nose while sneezing, especially at this time of pandemic coronavirus.