Hillary Clinton
Hillary for Iowa / Wikipedia
Bernie Sanders
Phil Roeder / Flickr
Former U.S. Secretary of state Hillary Clinton said she does not intend to support the Senator from Vermont Bernie Sanders if he will be the candidate of the Democrats for President in the upcoming November elections in the United States.
“I’m not going to do it”, – quotes on Tuesday, the magazine Hollywood Reporter, the words Clinton, who is ahead of Sanders in the fight for the nomination for the presidency in 2016. She answered the question about the possibility of her participation in the campaign to Sanders this year. In this case, Clinton made clear that the problem, from her point of view, is “not only Sanders, but in his environment”.
Publishing in this regard noted that in the new documentary film “Hillary”, which will premiere in late January at the Sundance film festival in Utah, Clinton accused Sanders that “during his years in Congress he did nothing” and that “nobody likes him”. She also believes Sanders careerist.
According to Clinton, politics is in the United States, like other spheres of life, suffer from gender stereotypes. The fact that the presidential post in the country expect mostly men, Hilary called shame. Sanders allegedly stated in 2018 in a conversation with Senator Elizabeth Warren that didn’t think a woman can win the presidential election. In this regard, Clinton said that he had received in the primaries 4 million more votes, and in the General election by 3 million more votes than Sanders.
Clinton urged women to unite and fight for their rights in the elections to “reclaim the country”. She also called upon to take an example from Virginia. There the speaker of the house of delegates of the state for the first time in history elected a woman – 55-year-old Eileen Filler-corn.
Hillary Clinton said that Russia “will do everything it can to defeat the current President” of the USA Donald trump and cancel a large part of its “harmful policy”.
According to the nationwide poll, conducted by SurveyUSA, Senator Sanders, which is now supported by 21% of respondents, is second in popularity only to the former Vice-President of the USA Joseph Biden (it is supported by 32% of respondents). In third place is Senator from Massachusetts Elizabeth Warren (14% support), the fourth place is shared by the ex-mayor of the city of South bend (Indiana), Pete Buttigieg and billionaire from California, Tom Stayer (9% support), reports TASS. The 1086 survey of potential voters-Democrats was held January 14-16,.