Grinevich told about scholarships

Payments reached the level of the subsistence minimum
Changes in the system of scholarships to students allowed to increase the stipend payments to the subsistence level.
The Minister of education and science, Liliya Hrynevych said in an interview with the newspaper “Day”.
“Today, the lowest scholarship is 1100 UAH. Pedagogical, natural-mathematical and engineering-technical specialties – 1400 UAH, increased scholarship – 1600 UAH. For the first time the scholarship is equal to a living wage. For technical and natural specialties increased scholarship is more than 2000 UAH”, – said Grinevich.
According to her, now more than 50% students receive scholarships: 45% academic, 7% – social.
The Minister noted that changes relative to the scholarship are submitted to the Cabinet of Ministers. In particular, in determining the rating for the calculation of fellowship in small groups can use the faculty rating.
We will remind, the list of students enrolled in Universities will be published at noon on 1 August.