Online medical consultations are gradually becoming part of our lives. However, while they are only an intermediate stage in the treatment process, since only one conversation or a text message is insufficient. To enhance the effect of the presence of the doctor designed a new station OnMed, equipped with HD cameras and various sensors, which are capable of delivering medicines on prescription.

OnMed is a small station or booth from which they can remotely communicate with the doctor. In addition to visual inspection using video and audio equipment, the doctor obtains information about the basic physical parameters of the patient – height, weight, BMI (body mass index), blood pressure, breathing and blood oxygen saturation. “Box” also creates a thermal “picture” of body temperature and diagnose the presence of infections in the body.

At the end of the consultation, OnMed produces medicines from their inventory, which includes hundreds of the most common medicines. If necessary funds are not, OnMed will print the prescription for the pharmacy. By the way, in the “Bank” medicines are drugs that are in special “secure automated vault.”

During a communication session in OnMed carefully observed measures of confidentiality: the Cabinet is securely closed from prying eyes and ears. To identify subscribers uses a 3D face recognition system. As representatives of the developer, the consultation takes less than 15 minutes.

OnMed in the USA this year. Places of their installation will be the colleges, corporate offices, airports and hotels.

Source — OnMed