
The flowers from bees, but botanists warn that the apricots bloomed early, does not mean that the fruits will appear faster.

Abnormally early bloom apricots in the South of Odessa oblasti coastal districts of Odessa region began flowering apricot. Usually, the first flowers on these trees appear here three weeks later, says the story TSN.

Read tabusintac told about the weather in Ukraine before the end of the month

The flowers from bees, but botanists warn that the apricots bloomed early, does not mean that the fruits will appear faster.

It depends on whether or not to remain anomalous heat in the following days. “The main thing now is to avoid frost. The first apricots can be eaten in June, which ripen in Bessarabia” – says a leading researcher at the National natural Park “Tuzlovsky limans” Elena Popova.