One of the victims, 22-year-old boy died on the spot.
On the highway Kharkiv-the sum of the van hit three people who were pushing the car / photo the route “Kharkiv-Sumy” in the Kharkiv region minibus Volkswagen T5 was hit by three men who pushed the car.

The accident occurred March 25 at 20:19, reported today in the Department of communication of the police in Kharkiv region.

One of the victims, 22-year-old boy died on the spot, 26 and 32-year-old suffered fractures and bruises. They were admitted to the hospital. Health of both victims satisfactory.


The police opened criminal proceedings under part 2 of article 286 (violation of traffic safety) the Criminal code of Ukraine. The culprit threatens from 3 till 8 years of imprisonment.

As UNIAN reported earlier, on March 21 in Kyiv by bus №155 hit three pedestrians on a pedestrian crossing near the metro station dorogozhychi, the driver beat the witnesses of the accident. The police said that the women crossed the road the traffic signal.