The mother of the deceased ex-“regionalka” Irina Berezhnaya Elena blatant staged event in one of the schools of Kiev. The occasion was the anniversary of the tragic events in Odessa.

Footage of the gentle antics published in Twitter user under the name Zello HOCHMA passes “Диалог.UA”.

The event was held at the 49 th school in Kyiv on may 2, the anniversary of the tragic events in Odessa. For this reason children gathered on the line, handed them black balloons with slogans “Odessa. May 2. Remember”. Before kids were hating Ukraine Elena Berezhnaya with slogans of Russian propaganda.

“May 2 2014, was burned alive in the trade unions Building of Odessa. Among them were children… I want you to remember the events that occurred on may 2. Remember and weep for those who have not come never. Remember, dry your tears. Be worthy,” said the children, and the separatist. Those a studied she replied, “We deserve”.

How can this be? In Kiev, the 49th school held Russian coven. On the line in the immature minds of pupils joins cotton-satanic propaganda on the events in Odessa. Where the SBU? It was their client. The activities of this Colorado females directed against the state of Ukraine“, – was indignant Zello THING.

How can this be?
In Kiev, the 49th school held Russian coven . On the line in the immature minds of pupils joins cotton-satanic propaganda on the events in Odessa. Where the SBU? It was their client. The activities of this Colorado females directed against the state of Ukraine.

— Zello-XOXMA (@ZelloXoxma) May 2, 2019

Members supported him. They require to prosecute collaborando Careful who repeatedly made anti-Ukrainian statements, including on Russian television. A call to punish the school officials who allowed the separatist to the children.

These black balls were 2 may in Moscow on the Sabbath. As this is a false Russian su**and flies back and forth to Skobeevo, wheeling freely Kremlin propaganda? Who is the Director of the school where she conducts propaganda to children? It’s a shame, “write outraged commentators.

We will remind, earlier “Диалог.UA” reported that “regionalka” Lucas for PR “photoshopped in fascist” in the photo of the House of trade unions in Odessa.